Is the gods own country ( Kerala , India) slipping down the drain ? Perhaps the answer is a resounding yes..infact there is no point inviting the industrialists and investors to the state speaking English and usual clay-traps at New Delhi or making jaunts abroad ...this will not help the cause of attracting investment .
On the flip side, watching our comrades ideological partner- china; in action during the recent Olympic performance and also showcasing to the world the developments that they have made in every sphere , they have shown what is achievable even after eulogising socialism..in its ever evolving and dynamic format. Our guys are stuck in the quicksand of disaster, their thinking cliched with clear lack of vision. They still boast that "Hartals and strikes are a fundamental right" Are the Chinese not aware of it, they are more hard-working and disciplined lot ? Right to work and live is a more definitive and an ultimate fundamental right �should not the Government protect that at the first place before mooring about right to strike ?
It is time these pigeonholed ideas of the communists ( including their bearded intellectuals) are sent to the gallows; to ensure that the state has a word called development in its dictionary
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